What are Noise-Canceling Headphones?
Noise-canceling headphones refer to a kind of headphones that use a certain method to reduce noise.
At present, there are two types of noise reduction headphones: active noise reduction headphones and passive noise reduction headphones.
Passive noise reduction (physical noise reduction, no technology, no technology) is to block or reduce external noise by relying on earplugs or earmuffs. Generally, the noise can be reduced by about 15-20dB, which is very effective for high-frequency sounds. However, in order to improve the noise reduction effect, many passive noise reduction headphones increase the original sound to eliminate noise, which is not very good for ear health.
Active noise reduction (technical, technological) is a noise reduction technology that uses a chip to process noise. The noise reduction microphone listens to external noise, and at the same time, a reverse sound wave is generated by the noise reduction chip to cancel each other out, thereby achieving the effect of noise reduction.
Active noise reduction headphones are equipped with exclusive noise reduction circuits, including custom-made high-sensitivity MEMS silicon microphones and professional noise reduction chips, which can cancel noise by receiving and analyzing the external noise spectrum and generating signals of the opposite phase. Assuming that the surrounding noise decibels (dB) remain unchanged, headphones without noise reduction require the volume of the mobile phone to be 20 bars, while noise-canceling headphones only need 10 bars to meet the demand, so from this point of view, the protective effect of noise-canceling headphones on hearing Still very prominent.
However, the necessary equipment for the active noise reduction system is a pickup, a processing chip, and a speaker. Each part must be of high quality to achieve the final effect, so the cost is higher.
Why use noise-canceling headphones?
Not only can reduce noise, avoid excessive volume, reduce ear damage, but also filter noise, improve sound quality and improve call quality.
Summary: Active noise-canceling headphones are better for hearing protection than passive noise-canceling headphones and are beneficial to ear health. However, whether active noise-canceling headphones or passive noise-canceling headphones will cause certain damage to the ears, please use headphones Reasonably; from the cost point of view, Active noise reduction headphones are more technical, technological, and costly.